adamson's :)


Mom and Dad!

Where would I be without you two?
Mom always says all that she was good for was helping Dad make me. I think she's worth a whole lot more than that. She's always there to help me, no matter what's happened. She'll laugh, cry, gossip, and even vent with me. She's always keeping me looking nice from doing my hair to doing my laundry. She'll even wash my car if she's bored! She loves me! I love you Mom!!
Now Dad, he always says I don't really love him I just like that he pays for everything. Totally untrue. I know he knows I love him but I want to tell him again. He lives out in Nevada and still takes care of me as of he were here. He's the hardest working guy I've ever known. If there's something to be done, he'll do it! Seeing this man cry will break your heart, it does mine everytime. He's sincere about everything he does. I love you dad.

You two are a perfect match, opposites, but perfect for eachother. I'm so glad you're my parents. I wouldn't be where I am now without you!! I love you both!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Candis Ellis said...

It's just too much :) They certainly are wonderful.

Angie said...

Erica, you kill me! I love you!

Cathy said...

Hey, what about me?