1. My lunch time telephone dates with Krista!
2. My boutique shopping with Candis.
3. The new season of Kendra.
4. Trail Mix...of course.
5. Cute elderly married couples!
6. My Ring!!
7. The sun finally coming out.
8. My bank account balance.
9. Swedish Fish :)
10. That I'm almost finished with 3 Nephi!
11. Having all this temple prep with my love, Rorey!
12. Picking out pictures for our slideshow!
13. Thinking about how cute Candis and I are going to make my house!
There are lots more I'm sure, but those are what I was thinking about today!
Poor Roman :(
So the other day my mom's dog Roman ran away. He never usually leaves her side, but he was gone for the entire day!! She was so worried about him, and we thought he might not come back. He finally shows up later in the night exhausted. We think he was out with a "girlfriend"! NOT GOOD. He ran away the next day also, but he was only gone for a few hours that time luckily. When he got home we were petting him and just joking that he was out all day with his girlfriend and I noticed that he had some blood on his sweater. I lifted up his sweater to find this...

This picture doesn't even do it justice, it was bad!! He was cut so deep. I think he got caught on a fence because it was a straight cut, not like a bite. We took him to the vet because of course we were worried. We made an appointment for him to get stitched up yesterday. While they were at it he was neutered and they pulled three rotten teeth. Let's just say Roman is going to be quite lazy for a while. Poor guy :(.
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This picture doesn't even do it justice, it was bad!! He was cut so deep. I think he got caught on a fence because it was a straight cut, not like a bite. We took him to the vet because of course we were worried. We made an appointment for him to get stitched up yesterday. While they were at it he was neutered and they pulled three rotten teeth. Let's just say Roman is going to be quite lazy for a while. Poor guy :(.
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Just A Couple Of Fun Things From This Week!
Our roof passed the official roofer inspection saying that it has a 3 year life!! This is such a good thing because if it didn't we could not close on our house until we re-do te roof. Our roofer was awesome, he was from Jersey and was excited to help us!
Candis and I went Main Street Shopping the other day in American Fork. We were looking for a gift for Samye and cute things for the house or the wedding! We found all 3 things!! For Samye we found a cute headband and a clip. For the house we found the paint color and the type of design we want to use, and for the wedding we bought antique pens for the guestbook, and found the most amazing frame for our huge canvas at the reception. We couldn't buy the frame because it was too much money, but we are going to make one very similar on our own! Our biggest find of the day was this little shop that we had never been to called Belle. It is seriously the best little boutique/store I've ever been to, Candis and I love it. We are determined to help the owner get more business because we were so impressed! Here are some of our finds :)

Chase and Jessica's wedding was on Tuesday and it was so cute. We got a little preview of the Draper Temple and their reception was really fun! We decorated their car pretty well. I'm sure they weren't happy, but that's what happens on your wedding day! Jayden took lots of pictures of the car and snuck in a few of himself also!!

He's so much like Rorey it's insane!
This picture of Rorey with his Monster is classic because that boy loves those things!! And the other picture is just cute!

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Candis and I went Main Street Shopping the other day in American Fork. We were looking for a gift for Samye and cute things for the house or the wedding! We found all 3 things!! For Samye we found a cute headband and a clip. For the house we found the paint color and the type of design we want to use, and for the wedding we bought antique pens for the guestbook, and found the most amazing frame for our huge canvas at the reception. We couldn't buy the frame because it was too much money, but we are going to make one very similar on our own! Our biggest find of the day was this little shop that we had never been to called Belle. It is seriously the best little boutique/store I've ever been to, Candis and I love it. We are determined to help the owner get more business because we were so impressed! Here are some of our finds :)
Chase and Jessica's wedding was on Tuesday and it was so cute. We got a little preview of the Draper Temple and their reception was really fun! We decorated their car pretty well. I'm sure they weren't happy, but that's what happens on your wedding day! Jayden took lots of pictures of the car and snuck in a few of himself also!!
He's so much like Rorey it's insane!
This picture of Rorey with his Monster is classic because that boy loves those things!! And the other picture is just cute!
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Thank you everyone!
In a little over a week I will be headed to Hawaii with Rorey and his family! We are going to Oahu, one of the islands I haven't seen yet! I'm so excited to be in the sun and be able to relax. It wasn't the easiest task to get this vacation time at work off because we had already done the schedule for April and I had 4 shifts scheduled the week of the trip. All of my friends at work are so awesome though. They all helped me cover my shifts without getting paid overtime or anything. I couldn't believe it! To show them all how thankful I was for their help, Candis and I made them thank you cakes! They were hard, but fun to make!

Everyone loved them and offered to take my shift anytime!
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Everyone loved them and offered to take my shift anytime!
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Cute little Shih Tzu's and Akita's
So Rorey and I have been wanting a new little shih tzu so bad now that we're getting close to having the house. I look almost everyday on ksl for new ones being posted!! The other day I found these guys and I fell in love!

Brownie is a little girl, and Twix is a boy. They are imperial shih tzu's which basically means they are lots smaller that most! We really want one of these two and we hope they are still available when we get into the house. We've also been looking at Akita's which are a much bigger dog.

This is Yogi the Akita that we watched for about a week. They are such good dogs, and are so pretty!! We can't decide which one to get yet, but I am so excited for one of them!!
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Brownie is a little girl, and Twix is a boy. They are imperial shih tzu's which basically means they are lots smaller that most! We really want one of these two and we hope they are still available when we get into the house. We've also been looking at Akita's which are a much bigger dog.
This is Yogi the Akita that we watched for about a week. They are such good dogs, and are so pretty!! We can't decide which one to get yet, but I am so excited for one of them!!
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More on the house!
So today, Candis, my bearer of good news informed me that we only have a couple things to do to the house to pass inspections for the FHA loan! We need to paint the front pillars, turn on the heater to make sure it works, and have the roof checked by a certified roofer to make sure it could last 3 years. Even though it will be replaced in less than a year. The roof is honestly not in the best shape, but I think it would be safe to say it could last 3 years. We are calling a bunch of roofers for free estimates just to see if they will sign our paper!

Here's our list so far, hopefully someone can just come tonight and help us out. CANDIS YOU'RE THE BEST!! Jeannette even says that you are her best client and you're not even her client!!! That's the latest update on the house. More blogging to come about Chase and Jessica's beautiful wedding yesterday! It made me so excited for our wedding! Let's start a countdown, 86 days until I am a married woman!!! Hooray!
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Here's our list so far, hopefully someone can just come tonight and help us out. CANDIS YOU'RE THE BEST!! Jeannette even says that you are her best client and you're not even her client!!! That's the latest update on the house. More blogging to come about Chase and Jessica's beautiful wedding yesterday! It made me so excited for our wedding! Let's start a countdown, 86 days until I am a married woman!!! Hooray!
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Now On A Happy Note Since My Fiance Is Alive!!!
Wedding plans are going excellent. The dress is in the works of alterations with Carolyn. She's just amazing! The engagements are scheduled. Candis has designed the "Save the Dates," and they are being made pretty much as we speak. Most of the address list is done. The photobooth is booked. The flowers are all picked out and designed in arrangements. This whole planning thing is fun even though there is so much to do!
Amidy is due May 10th and she is naming her son Boston Don Omeara! Very cute name I think. I can't wait to plan her baby shower!
Krista's mission papers are going great! She's finishing up all of the medical forms right now and then she is pretty much done. She will be such an amazing missionary, I'm excited to write her!
Allyson and I are so sad that we don't have the Bachelor to watch anymore because our Monday nights are boring. We can't wait for the new season of the Bachelorette!
We are waiting for news on the house to see what the FHA inspectors say about the loan! :)
I'm so excited for my cute house, I'm already obsessed!!
Amidy is due May 10th and she is naming her son Boston Don Omeara! Very cute name I think. I can't wait to plan her baby shower!
Krista's mission papers are going great! She's finishing up all of the medical forms right now and then she is pretty much done. She will be such an amazing missionary, I'm excited to write her!
Allyson and I are so sad that we don't have the Bachelor to watch anymore because our Monday nights are boring. We can't wait for the new season of the Bachelorette!
We are waiting for news on the house to see what the FHA inspectors say about the loan! :)
I'm so excited for my cute house, I'm already obsessed!!
And last, but NOT least...Andrea is now a proud insured motorcycle rider! Let the summer scooter/motorcycle rides begin!
Ha ha talk about over-reacting....
So today was my first experience of being worried about my soon to be husband. I came in to work at 7:00 Am. I usually don't hear from him until about 11:00 Am or so, which is fine, but this morning I didn't hear from him at all. 2:00 PM rolls around and I start to wonder what's going on. I know he was going golfing, but he still usually calls me or something, so I texted him...no reply. 3:00 PM rolls around, still nothing. 3:30 PM I call him to see if everything's ok...no answer. I go to lunch at work, come back and still haven't heard a thing. I asked Krista to call him to see if something was wrong with my phone. Still no answer. So 5:00 PM I asked his mom if she had heard from and she said no and that she had tried to call also with no answer.
So now I'm having a panic attack thinking he's been in a car accident or something like that.
Finally at 5:30 PM I call him and he answers. He was just barely getting back in the car from golfing 18 holes. He didn't realize until he was out on the course that his phone fell out of his lap into his seat when he got out of the car. I feel like such an idiot, but you all know the kind of job I have. Anything could happen and I know that you can never be too cautious. I seriously had the worste feeling that something bad had happened. He probably thinks this is really funny, but believe me, I'm gonna kick his butt when I get home from work for making me worry! He said that he was really sorry though...good thing!!!
Oh my...what would I do without my sister? All I can say is that I would not be doing anything I am doing right now. Thanks Candis!!! I love you!
Life is good.
Life is so crazy right now, but I love it!! Buying a house, getting married, turning in my car... My whole world is going to be different in a few short months!! I can't wait.
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