So I've decided that I want to blog a little bit about all of my friends, and of course my sisters!
I couldn't ask for a more fitting fiance. Rorey is my best friend. We could do anything together. He makes me so happy, and I just love him. I don't know where I'd be without him. We've had our rough times, but it's only made us closer!! I'm so excited to spend forever with him!!
I would say Courtney "Chuck" is my newest friend. I met her through Allyson and have gotten to know her quickly. She is so selfless. She is willing to do anything for her friends, and I love that about her. She is full of knowledge, sometimes random facts. I love new friends.
Oh my, I don't even have words to describe Krista. She is one of the very best friends I have ever had. Her friends mean everything to her. No matter the situation, she will stand up for her friends. She loves the gospel and is planning on serving a mission to share her knowledge with others. She has had a lot of bad things happen to her, and she is still one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I love her!
Dil Dil is amazing. She is SO fun! She is very spontaneous and is always wanting to try new things. She is a very loyal friend and has a very strong opinion about a lot of things. We've been friends forever and always will be. I can't wait to see her babies...haha :)
Allyson is one of my BESTIES!!! haha. We can talk about absolutely anything, no matter how awkward the subject may be. She is very creative and loves making people happy. Her and I love having our MacBook parties sitting on our butts on the couch. DJ Hero is our new addiction!! Girl Please...
Candis is my oldest sister. She is married and has three of the most adorable little boys!! I love having her live around the corner. She is always there to help and she is pretty much a living textbook on life. Anything you have a question about, she's done it, or at least knows how to do it. I don't know if I would have even gotten where I am without her. She's already done so much to get ready for my wedding also. I love her so much, and I am so thankful for all of her help.
I love my Dre Dre. She is my older sister also, but she's younger than Candis. She changes the most out of anyone I know. She adapts very well to different situations. She has probably moved around more than anyone I know. She has lived in NYC, down by the river, and everywhere in between. She cares so much about other people I often wonder if she thinks enough about herself. She is always grateful for help. She is so talented in anything artistic. Love you Drea!
Jamie is a very good friend from work. It actually took us a while to become friends. Not really because we didn't like eachother, mostly just because we never really took the chance to get to know eachother. She is so fun to work with, but more fun to hang out with. She is very caring toward other people. She always has something to say which I love. I know she would do anything for me.
Sidnee is the best. She is an incredible friend and cousin. She can relate to almost any situation you could throw at her. She has the most adorable little boy named Oliver as a single mother. She is very strong willed and works for the things she has. She's not so good at keeping secrets, but I could still tell her anything.
Ha ha, Samye J. This picture is priceless. Samye is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. She is so thoughtful. She is friends with everyone!! She's a very hard worker and is always willing to admit if she is wrong. She is going to move to Vegas when I go, hopefully haha. I love you Samye.
Sidney is very outgoing. She always tries to help other people, and really loves her family. She's been through a lot of stuff that none of us have ever thought of but she's pulled through it all. She'll always be there for you when you need her.
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